Electromechanical calculating machines from the 1960's
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References and Links

Books in English
Books in German
Books in French
Books in Italian
Books in Russian

Websites in English
Websites in English and other languages

Websites in German
Websites in Italian
Websites in French
Websites in Portugese
Websites in Spanish

Websites in Dutch
Websites in Japanese

Books in English

Aspray, William (ed.). Computing Before Computers. Ames: Iowa University Press, 1990.

Cobb, R.H. Mathematics With a Desk Calculator. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1970.

Cornelia, Nicholas J., Pasewark, William R. and Agnew, Peter L. Office Machines Course: Adding and Calculating Machines. Fourth Edition. Cincinatti: South-Western Publishing Co., 1971.

Darby, Edwin. It All Adds Up: The Growth of Victor Comptometer Corporation. Chicago: Victor Comptometer Corporation, 1968.

Horsburgh, E.M. (ed.). Handbook of the Napier Tercentenary Celebration, or Modern Instruments and Methods of Calculation. San Francisco: Tomash Publishers, 1982. Volume 3 in the Charles Babbage Institute Reprint Series for the History of Computing, reprint of original work from 1914.

Martin, Ernst. The Calculating Machines (Die Rechenmaschinen). San Francisco: Tomash Publishers, 1992. Volume 16 in the Charles Babbage Institute Reprint Series for the History of Computing, translated by Peggy Aldrich Kidwell and Michael R. Williams from original work in German from 1925.

Montgomerie, G.A. Digital Calculating Machines and Their Application to Scientific and Engineering Work. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co. Inc., 1956.

Murray, Francis J. Mathematical Machines: Vol. 1 - Digital Computers. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961.

d'Ocagne, Maurice. Le Calcul Simplifié. San Francisco: Tomash Publishers, 1986. Volume 11 in the Charles Babbage Institute Reprint Series for the History of Computing, translated by J. Howlett and M.R. Williams from original work in French from 1928.

Pease, Katharine. Machine Computation of Elementary Statistics. New York: Chartwell House, Inc., 1949.

Randell, Brian (ed.). The Origins of Digital Computers. 3rd. ed. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1982.

Thomas, T.L. and Thomas, A. Mathematics by Calculating Machine. London: Cassell & Company, 1966.

"Tools of the Office." Administrative Management Magazine. Survey of calculating machines in the July 1962, November 1963, December 1964, February 1966, October 1967, August 1968, February 1969 and February 1970 issues.

Turck, J.A.V. Origin of Modern Calculating Machines. New York: Arno Press, 1972. Reprint of original work from 1921.

Williams, Michael R. A History of Computing Technology. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1985.

Books in German

Anthes, Erhard. Rechende Räder: Mechanische Rechenmaschinen. Ludwigsburg: Studiengalerie Fach Kunst an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Ludwigsburg, 2001.

Büromaschinen Lexikon. Baden-Baden: Göller Verlag, issued yearly throughout the 1960's.

Glass, Joachim (ed.). Büromaschinen Kompass. Berlin: Allgemeine Handels-Auskunftei und Verlag Erich Glass, issued yearly throughout the 1960's.

Hennemann, A. Die Technische Entwicklung der Rechenmaschine. Aachen: Verlag Peter Basten, 1953.

Internationales Forum Historische Bürowelt e.V. Historische Bürowelt. Quarterly publication for members of the I.F.H.B.

Internationales Forum Historische Bürowelt e.V. HbW-Aktuell. Monthly publication for members of the I.F.H.B.

Lange, Werner. Mechanische Rechenmaschinen. Private publication, 1979.

Lind, Wilhelm. Büromaschinen. Füssen: C.F. Winter'sche Verlagshandlung, 1954.

Meyer zur Capellen, W. Mathematische Instrumente. Leipzig: Akadamische Verlagsgesellschaft Becker & Erler Kom.-Ges., 1944.

Priebe, Otto. Rechenmaschinen im Büro. Teil 1: Was muß man von Zweispeziesmaschinen wissen?, Teil 2: Was muß man von Vierspeziesmaschinen wissen?. Baden-Baden: Robert Göller Verlag, 1955.

Reese, Martin. Neue Blicke auf Alte Maschinen. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovac, 2002.

Waize, Alfred. Die Welt der Rechenmaschinen. Erfurt: Desotron Verlagsgesellschaft, 1999.

Willers, Friedrich Adolf. Mathematische Instrumente. Berlin: Verlag von R. Oldenbourg, 1943.

Wittke, Heinz. Die Rechenmaschine und Ihre Rechentechnik. Berlin: Verlag Herbert Wichmann, 1943.

Books in French

Favier, Jean and Thomelin, Robert. La Mécanographie: Machines à calculer, Machines comptables, Machines à cartes perforées, Calculatrices et ensembles électroniques. 5th ed. La Chapelle-Montligeon: Les Éditions de Montligeon, 1963.

Marguin, Jean. Histoire des Instruments et Machines à Calculer. Paris: Hermann, 1994.

Taton, René. Le Calcul Mécanique. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1949.

Books in Italian

Brini, Daniele. Elementi di calcolo meccanico. 3rd ed. Bologna: Edizioni Calderini Bologna, 1968.

Degli Esposti, Raineri and Piergiovanni, Franco. La calcolatrice e il suo impiego in computisteria. Florence: C. E. Giunti Bemporad Marzocco, 1968.

Gallina, Vincenzo. Calcolo meccanico: applicato alla computisteria e technica commerciale. Turin: Marietti, 1972.

Salvetti, Adolfo and Pacchioli, Eugenio (ed.). Le macchine sapienti di Natale Capellaro. Ivrea: Associazione Archivo Storico Olivetti, 2002.

Soresini, Franco. Storia del calcolo automatico. Vol. 1: Calcolo numerico meccanico, Vol.2: Dalla mecanografia all'informatica, Vol. 3: Calcolo analogico e cibernetica. Rome: Confederazione Generale dell'Industria Italiana, 1977.

Books in Russian

Yevdokimov, I.S., Yevstigneev, G.P. and Kriushin, V.N. Цифровые Вычислительные Машины (Tsifrovye Vychislitel'nye Mashiny). Moscow: Mashgiz, 1961.

Golyshchev, L.K., Dobronevskii, O.V., Korovin, A.G. Основы Вычислительной Техники (Osnovy Vychislitel’noi Tekhniki). Kiev: Radyans'ka Shkola, 1965.

Websites in English

James Redin, Vintage Calculators

John Wolff, John Wolff’s Web Museum

Walter Szrek, Herbert Schneemann, Rechenmaschinen Illustrated

Andries DeMan, Original Documents on the History of Calculators

Nigel Tout, Vintage Calculators Web Museum

Ernie Jorgenson, Office Machines Americana

Fred Haeghens, Fred's Mechanical Calculators

Erez Kaplan, Calculating Machines

Jay Goldman, Office Collectibles

Rick Bensene, The Old Calculators Web Museum

David Hicks, The Museum of HP Calculators

Brooke Boering, Comptometer – Biography of a Machine

Greg Saville, Curta Calculators

Rick Furr, The Curta Calculator Page

Nico Baaijens, Calculating Machines

Suomen Liikemiesten Kauppaopisto - Finnish Business College, Typewriter Museum SLK

Frank Rauck, The Friden Web Site

University of Melbourne - School of Physics, Physics Museum
scroll down and click on "Calculators"


Computer History Museum, Visible Storage - Samples From the Collection
click on "Ancient - 1940's" then "Pre-Computing" and then "Mechanical Devices"

IBM Corporation, Exhibits
under "General Reference" click on the "Antique Attic" links

Brian Conlon, Totalizator History - A World's First

Websites in English and other languages

Rechnerlexikon (English and German)
An encyclopedia of mechanical calculation written by and for collectors of mathematical machines. Contents include over 1800 articles and a listing of over 9000 relevant patents. A perpetual work in progress, maintained and edited by Barbara Haeberlin.

Stephan Weiss, Beiträge zur Geschichte des mechanischen Rechnens -
Contributions to the History of Mechanical Calculation
(English and German)

Christophe Mery, Exposition machines à calculer - Exhibition of Mechanical Calcualtors (English and French)

Detlef Zerfowski, Mechanische Rechenhilfsmittel und -maschinen (English and German)

Michel Bardel, Machines à calculer - Calculating Machines (English and French)

Valery Monnier, Les arithmomètres de Thomas de Colmar (English and French)

Christofer Nöring, Swedish Typewriter Page (English and Swedish)

Grzegorz Modlinski, Mechaniczne kalkulatory - Mechanical calculators (English and Polish)

Philippe Marmy, Computissimo, (English, French, Spanish and German)

Ugo Mainieri, La raccolta di strumenti di calcolo - The Collection of Calculating Tools (English and Italian)

Websites in German

Prof. Erhard Anthes, Mathematisches Maschinen Museum

Detlev Bölter, Beispiele aus der Rechenmaschinensammlung

Werner Girbardt, Werner Schmidt, Katalog der Rechentechnischen Sammlung des Instituts für Mathematik und Informatik Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald

Harald Schmid, Von Halbautomaten, Rechen-Vollautomaten und Speicher-Superautomaten

Markus Sigg, Büromaschinen Lexikon

W.-G. Blümich, Mechanische Rechenhilfsmittel

Jan Meyer, Curt Herstark und die Curta

Barbara Haeberlin, Tan-Gram

Jan Meyer, Die Geschichte der Rechenhilfsmittel - Vom Kerbholz zur Curta

Michael Landwehr, Rechenmaschinen Sammlung

Magnus Bührmann, Sammlung von Maschinen für das Büro und für den Einzelhandel

Prof. Dr. U. Herzog, Dr. F. Wolf, Dr. C.-U. Linster, Informatik- Sammlung Erlangen

Technische Universität Dresden, Die Historischen Rechenmaschinen der TU Dresden

Reinhard Atzbach, Mein Rechner tut's auch ohne Strom

Friedrich Diestelkamp, Addiator

Micha Weiss, computermuseum.ch

Internationales Forum Historische Bürowelt e.V.

Peter Muckermann, eepcWorld

Websites in Italian

Riccardo Aliani, Museo Virtuale del Computer

Fondazione Galileo Galilei, Museo degli Strumenti per il Calcolo

Bruno Ferrighi, dallabacoalcomputer.it

Giuseppe Caltagirone, Le mie calcolatrici meccaniche ad azionamento manuale

Websites in French

Alexandre Faribault, Évolution des machines à calculer

Websites in Portugese

Paulo Boselli, Museu das Calculadoras

Daniel Sancho, Museillo de la evolución del cálculo y de la informática

Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação, Museu de Computação Professor Odelar Leite Linhares

Websites in Spanish

Josep Balsach, De La Mano El Calculo Electronico

Websites in Dutch

Technische Universiteit Delft
Click on "Deelcollectie" for list by category, or "Vervaardigers" for list by manufacturer

Websites in Japanese

Tokyo University of Science, Computer Museum Page
Homepage: http://www.tus.ac.jp/info/setubi/museum/kannai/museum-yama/
Mechanical calculators (click on left side for list, right side for thumbnails): http://www.tus.ac.jp/info/setubi/museum/kannai/database/dendou/keisanki.html

Shinichiro Osaki, Dentaku Museum
Homepage: http://www.dentaku-museum.com/
Mechanical calculators: